Sources and inspirations

Here we point to the wiki that contains sources for the foprop project.

The wiki is here:

It holds two kinds of sources: - Works (media) by individual writers: activists, makers, visionaries, investigators, organisers, reflective practitioners. In general, 'organic intellectuals' as distinct from academics. Academics are not disallowed, though 😉 - The work and vision of formations, collectives and movements: contemporary, post-WWII, or previous generations. Even, perhaps, the contributions of some peoples?

These lists serve as collective bibliography for the repertoire of patterns, for the narrative frame, and for the seven topical ('tactical') wikis that are offered as starting places. Tactics in the foprop project Pattern families @ foprop Narrative frame - Making a living economy

# The 'tactical' collection of foprop wikis


# Utilities The 'sources' wiki is one of a number of utilities. Here is the entire set. - Howto wiki - foprop sources - foprop assets - A repository of all the graphic schemas used in foprop (and some other documents) - Making a living economy - Vocabulary - A checklist of keywords - Pattern families @ foprop - A repository of evolving patterns - Pattern language and the foprop weave - Outlines a practice of pattern language(ing)