Cultural landscape - §2

This is the practical sphere of communicating and understanding, organising and collaborating, knowing and capably, intentionally doing. It's a landscape of cultural **formations**.

This landscape can be seen as ‘culture’ - if we’re very careful about what we mean with that slippery word. In foprop it means all of the labour-powers that people have, in a community, collective or practice - the totality of aware mental and bodily capabilities to: > *vision, collaborate, act-on, act-in, speak-about, re-vision, design, make, anticipate, cultivate, nurture, re-shape, prioritise, organise, agree, collectively remember, participate in genres, rigorously think about, symbolise, document . . etc etc.*

Some of these capabilities are tacit (held and enacted in the body) and some explicit (worked in language, in code). There is a ‘dance of knowing’ here that is complex and calls for a lot of literacy and balance. It includes all institutions, genres and organisational formations. The dance can be wonderfully graceful, powerfully muscular, awkwardly lop-sided. Dance of knowing

The cultural landscape §2

In ordinary speech - and in much of anthropology too, for example - 'culture' also incluides what is engaged in foprop as a distinct landscape of perception, relationship and response: Aesthetic landscape - §3. Compare this:

The aesthetic-affective landscape §3

The critical difference is that the latter operates in the preconscious, while - regardless of what its unconscious or preconscious drivers, dynamics and consequences may be - the cultural landscape is one of conscious and intentional relationship and purpose. The skills of cultural capability and of skilful aesthetic relationship are distinct, in ways that have deep practical significance.

The cultural landscape is the basis for one of the zones of reach: Zone ¿3 - We (formación work)