Invitation - Nov 2023

This invitation was mailed across networks at an early stage, based on a few draft pages. Category: Community


Dear friend / After working in (The online meeting coop) for three years I’m stepping now into a new (resumed) framework: investigating, documenting and convening practical conversations on formación (self-education, capability building and mutuality) for Making a Living Economy. Formación work

I mean to adopt commoning as a frame of transformative (we used to say, revolutionary) economic, political and cultural-aesthetic practice aka dual power. Commoning. Dual power

Digital infrastructure remains important (it's weird and pivotal stuff) but not standing centre stage. Digital means

I mean there to be a particular focus on re-making the heart-mind (Othering and splitting, regenerative activism, our relationships with-and-through the planet, decolonial reparation, the grandchildren’s grandchildren, peace) as well as ’the real economy’, justice and our mutualised capability as civil society organisers of 'blessed unrest'. Aesthetic landscape

This [wiki lineup]( (early draft versions) gives an idea of scope. Do let me know what kinds of expansion (or reduction?!) in scope seem necessary to you, and whether you have a sense that there are conversations here that you’d welcome the opportunity to be in, during 2024. What might your angle, or particular interest, be? Bearing in mind that moving Beyond the Fragments is the name of the game. It was a challenge in 1979, and it still is. Rowbotham Segal Wainwright

This might be something like an expanded version of `commons.hour` as we did it in during 2022. But with systematic documentation and reflection, aiming for some kind of evolving strategic narrative and 'pattern book': aiming for ‘a college’, even. But that's down the line a ways, even if it is ultra urgent.

I’m sending this note across a bunch of networks that I suspect may not talk to each other much. I’d really value it, if you (your organisation) was in the flow. The generational span of the networks is not bad, I think, and the men-women spread is not too bad; but they're weak in the global south and BIPOC (surprise surprise); and are basically Anglophone with touches of Spanish and French. Help me here? Love & solidarity and looking forward to a working relationship / mike