Design justice

Here we describe what we mean in foprop by design justice, and why it matters in a practice concerned with pattern language and formación.

Because pattern language is intrinsically a design language (for the continual design, review and remaking of radical practices), we are especially concerned here in foprop with design justice.

We frame this in terms of the Seven Rs of activist commitment: a way of seeing the pluriversal movements that enact our collective 'blessed unrest' with oppression, ugliness and harm.

Here we engage with the means of visioning and enacting pluriversal relations in making a living economy. A framing of 'seven Rs' of activist commitment underpins a commitment to design justice in the cultivation of infrastructure and tools, and to social justice in the evolution of Living economy. Zone: 1inhere Landscape: 3aesthetic Family: Pluriverse

We use the Seven Rs as the columns of a weave, and as rows we run a numer of spheres of practical concern. The intention of design justice is to distribute design attention and subsequent practical provision fairly, across this entire space.

The rows might sometimes be 'sectors' of everyday contributory orientation: the coop-commons economy sector, the civil-society movement-solidarity sector, the peer-to-peer 'toolstack' sector. This was the frame used in, where these three sectors were seen as mapping the coop's membership. The weave was a tool to help ensure that the digital spaces being proovisioned in the commons were appropriately distributed across sectors and activist commitments.

Design justice frame for - Provisioning commons of digitally mediated spaces

The rows might equally be the three landscapes of practice in the foprop weave: material, cultural, aesthetic. This is the frame we use here in foprop. This helps us to weigh up what an appropriate strategic distribution of initial emphasis might be (narrative essays, blog posts, commons.hour sessions), across the whole space of the foprop weave.

Design justice frame for foprop initial focus - Narrative essays, blog posts, commons.hour sessions, etc