A politics of production

Here we expand on a politics of production, highlighting the rich spectrum of stuff that is (re)made, the expansive scope of skills and sensibilities called upon, and the inclusion within production of what often is distinguished (in feminist economics) as reproduction.

We adopt a view that all production is simultaneously and necessarily reproduction, and we put to work elsewhere the feminist distinction: within each of four zones of reach.

> This is a stub xxx

The nature of the material being engaged (and thus the nature and the ‘dance’ of the labour power required to engage it) differs within each zone of reach: - making (and sustaining) capable activist formations. This is work of zone¿3 in the foprop frame Zone ¿3 - We (formación work) - making (and sustaining) working chunks of 'real economy'. This is work of Zone ¿2 - Here (subsistence work) - making (and sustaining) a radically changed, alive regime of practical relations. This is work of Zone ¿1 - In-here (care work) and Zone ¿4 - Region (stewarding work)

# Production is necessarily reproduction too [Social Reproduction Theory — Tithi Bhattacharya](http://www.tithibhattacharya.net/social-reproduction-theory) production of formations, of powers, of dual power. beyond fragments. Cultural materialism (material materialism! emotional materialism). Not 'blah **theory**' but means of formación of of altered **practice**.