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Welcome to this Federated Wiki site - **foprop weave**. Here we describe the foprop weave as a narrative frame for thinking about and enacting activist practice in making a living economy.

About us . .

Writer, culture hacker, designer-maker, anthropologist . . I'm from Venus, what is it you do round here? aka barefoot doc. Here's some story, some reflections, some back catalogue

What we make and share here . .

Here we describe the foprop weave as a frame for thinking about and enacting activist practice in making a living economy, and we describe a project of pattern language(ing) that curates and mobilises the weave.

This is much more than 'economics'. It's about the conditions of life and wellbeing for our grandchildren, and for other species.

Here we describe the foprop weave - a framework or 'container' or architecture, for patterns of activist capability in making a living economy.

Here we assemble the narrative frame. To begin, we work only at the level of pattern families. Evolving the frame calls for time and conversations and collaborations across a diverse community in 'the mutual sector'.

ROSTER mhresources.wiki.cafe/foprop-projects-roster

See also:

We aim to develop a pattern language for activist practice in making a living economy. We have a big frame on what 'economy' means and might mean.

A collective will be opened at OpenCollective, where friends can crowdfund the activity. Watch this space xxx

Vox is the dialogue dimension of the foprop project: a pattern language for making a living economy. Here we publish blogs, responses and info on `commons.hour` sessions. We also share outreach initiaives.

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